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Three Hobbies You Can Take Up to Help Your Mental Health!

AJ 17.8.2023 5 mins

The great feeling that comes from a fun and engaging hobby is a great way to de-stress and improve mental health. According to a study, taking up new hobbies helps in combating depression and other mental health problems. It also becomes an outlet for creativity, self-realization, and growth.

Even though there are many benefits to picking up hobbies, work and life end up taking most of our times. And knowing what to do and where to start, can seem like a task. Therefore, we’ve put together a list of some of the best hobbies to improve mental health.


See the world anew through photography

Gone are the days when you needed expensive equipment to get into photography—even smartphone cameras can now give expensive cameras a run for their money. Today, becoming a great photographer is more about cultivating the skill of finding and capturing beauty. It’s also one of the best hobbies you can pick!

That said, having some technical knowledge can only help, and learning it can be fun in itself. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, there are lots of online resources that’ll teach you how to get the most from your chosen camera. You can also learn to beautify your shots using photo editing apps.


Feed your mind with distance learning

Learning later in life is a great way to improve mental health, broaden perspective, or even change your career. And anyone with an internet connection has access to a wealth of world-class courses. In fact, the biggest challenge won’t be finding a course you want to do—it’ll be picking one. 

If you’re feeling ambitious, many universities even offer the chance to study for a degree in the comfort of your own home. For example, Masterclass.com creates courses taught by big-name experts, so you can learn writing from Margaret Atwood, cooking from Gordon Ramsay or even acting from Samuel L. Jackson.


Garden your way to fitness

As relaxing hobbies go, gardening is one of the most accessible and can improve mental health. The only specialist equipment you might want to buy is a pair of gloves. Gardening isn’t just relaxing, it’s also one of the best ways to combat depression. Once you get started, it’s very simple and doesn’t require much effort.

As well as offering some quiet time alone, gardening is a great whole-body workout. If you’re a beginner, all you need to do is find the right tools, seeds, and fertilizer. You can then continue growing herbs, exotic plants, and vegetables right in your home or backyard.

Last, but not the least, practice meditation. While it may not be a hobby, it does clear your mind and prepares you for a day filled with activities. Making the most of every moment is easy when you know you’re covered. So don’t waste time, find the right health insurance policy for you, today.

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