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Journeying Together: A Woman'S Guide To Travel With Kids

AJ 16.4.2024 5 mins

Do you want to escape the daily routine and go on an adventure with your little one? Travel with kids isn’t just about ticking destinations off a list; it’s about creating memories and nurturing a sense of wonder in your child. In fact, it can be a great learning experience for them, as the travel will expose them to new cultures, broaden their horizons, and spark a lifelong love of exploration.

The idea of travelling with kids, however, can be daunting. Will they be cranky on the plane? Will you pack everything they need? What if something goes wrong? These concerns are valid, especially for mothers who shoulder most responsibilities. But here’s the secret – a little travel plan goes a long way toward creating a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone.


Planning is power


The key to successful travel with kids? Planning.

Travel plans don’t have to be rigid itineraries but a loose framework considering your child’s age, interests, and energy levels. They should include ample rest stops, breaks for play, and flexible meal schedules—all per your child’s needs.


Here’s a little tip – Use the ‘we’ language and involve your children in the planning process. Let them look at pictures of your destination, choose a few activities they’d like to do, pick out a few outfits, and pack their favourite toys in their own carry-on bag. This not only gets them excited about the trip but also gives them a sense of ownership and avoids meltdowns!


A mom’s checklist for secure travel

Women shoulder the lion’s share of the travel planning and execution. Here are some practical tips while you travel with kids –

·      Destination

Choose a place you and your child like—sunshine and sandcastles or maybe explore a new city with museums and excellent exhibits for little ones. Places with great weather and activities for all ages are a win-win. Researching beforehand will help you find child-friendly restaurants and attractions that won’t leave your little one bouncing off the walls with boredom.

·      Packing

Juggling heavy suitcases and a wiggly toddler sounds like a recipe for stress. When you plan to travel with kids, pack smart, not heavy! Here are a few tips to make packing a breeze –

     - Pack according to the destination

     - Choose versatile clothing that your little one can wear in different combinations—fewer items, more outfits!

     - Utilise packing cubes and roll clothes instead of folding to save space and minimise wrinkles

Packing light with a plan means less for you to carry and more energy to chase after your little adventurer at your destination.

·      Flights and transportation

When you travel with kids, flights can seem never-ending. So, a little planning can be your best friend. Here are some tips –

     - Book flights early to get your preferred seat at your preferred time

     - Try to get extra legroom, giving you both a little more space to spread out

     - Have enough layover time to avoid any last-minute meltdowns (and trust me, everyone will be happier about it!)

     - Invest in a comfortable sling, baby carrier, or stroller to free up your hands for navigating airports, exploring new places, and grabbing a tea or coffee—a necessity for any parent!

     - Don’t forget to research child-friendly transportation options at your destination as well

·      Entertainment

Long journeys can test even the most patient mothers. Pack a variety of little games or books and download some shows or movies for those moments when internet access is spotty. A little screen time during travel can be a lifesaver! It allows you to catch your breath and recharge, which means a happier you and a happier little explorer by your side.

·      Flexibility and rest time

When you travel with kids, things rarely go exactly according to plan. Delays happen, meltdowns occur, and sometimes, the best-laid plans go awry. Remain flexible and prepared to adjust your itinerary based on their needs.

Moreover, rest is essential for both of you. A well-rested toddler means a happier toddler, which translates to a happier, more relaxed mama. And hey, you can squeeze in some quiet time for yourself while they recharge!

·      Safety

When you are a mama travelling alone, here are some tips to keep you and your kid safe –

     - Keep your belongings secure, especially valuables like passports and money

     - Teach your children about personal safety and stranger danger

     - Be aware of your surroundings and avoid isolated areas

Most importantly, don't be afraid to ask for help! Whether it's from airport staff, fellow travelers, or even friendly locals, a helping hand can make a big difference during your travel with kids


Secure travel with travel insurance

When you travel with kids, you have an added layer of responsibility. Unexpected illnesses, flight delays, or lost luggage can throw a wrench into your plans. Consider investing in tailored travel insurance for women from Future Generali. Their comprehensive plans can provide financial protection in case of medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or baggage loss, giving you peace of mind and the freedom to focus on creating lasting memories with your little one.


Creating memories that last a lifetime

A planned travel with kids? It is going to be an adventure in itself! There will be moments of frustration, but there will also be moments of pure joy and wonder that will stay with you forever. As they say, the journey is just as important as the destination. And don’t forget to secure your peace of mind with comprehensive travel insurance from Future Generali.

Most importantly, take a deep breath, mama! You’ve got this. Embrace the chaos, embrace the laughter, and embrace the chance to create lifelong memories with your children!

Leaving too soon!

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