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Manage your finances with apps, plus protect against data breaches

AJ 17.5.2023 5 mins

Thanks to a number of budgeting and savings apps, it’s now easier than ever to manage your personal finances from your phone. Whether you want to track your expenses, understand your spending habits or plan for the future by setting a savings goal, these digital resources give you the tools to do it all with ease. And it’s not limited to spending and savings, you can even do your tax assessments on your mobile phone through the Aaykar Setu app by the income tax department of India. We take a look at the technology helping people take control of their finances.  

How it works 

Most personal finance apps connect electronically to banks, credit cards and payment platforms in order to display all of your transactions in one convenient dashboard. To find one that’s right for you, start by thinking about what you want to achieve. From spending wisely to saving effectively, our infographic explores the benefits of seven easy-to-use apps.


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There are all kinds of budgeting apps to suit your needs but one question that most people have when it comes to financing is: is it safe? Well-known budgeting and saving apps are generally safe but remember to always be on the lookout for scams and phishing attacks when it comes to your finances. Be careful of suspicious links through emails and messages, keep strong passwords and never give out sensitive information to unverified callers who claim to be from companies you have interacted with.  


If you are worried about your data getting into the wrong hands and losses occurring from such a cyber attack, a personal cyber risks policy can protect you and your family. A policy such as Future Generali Personal Cyber Risks Policy provides insurance cover against privacy breaches and data breaches by a third party, including the compensation of legal fees, among other things. 

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