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Migraine Headaches & Home Remedies: Everything You Need to Know

AJ 10.4.2024 5 mins

Migraine headaches are a prevalent neurological condition often characterised by intense throbbing pain on one side of your head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. It is generally treated by medication to reduce the acute pain and manage the symptoms, but there are alternative options for treatment which can be applied to reduce the frequency and severity of a migraine attack. These remedies for migraine treatments consist of lifestyle and dietary changes, herbal supplements, acupressure, and stress management. And choosing a good health insurance plan is equally important in migraine management.


Migraine headaches are a common but menacing condition that affects many people all over India. It consists of recurring headaches accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. While medications are often used for immediate pain relief during a migraine attack, many people seek alternative treatments to manage their symptoms and reduce their pain, ranging from lifestyle changes to natural remedies. Here, we delve into what is migraine headache is and some natural remedies that can be used in our homes to manage the symptoms, relieve us from pain, and improve our quality of life.


Understanding the Condition 

Migraine headaches are complex neurological conditions in which there are recurrent attacks of moderate-to-severe pain, often starting from one side of the head. They are usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Stress, hormonal changes, certain foods, and neurological factors commonly trigger headaches. Medications usually treat them for acute pain relief during attacks, but certain home remedies for migraine headaches help reduce the frequency and severity of future episodes.

It is difficult to say what causes migraine, but doctors and researchers primarily attribute genetics, environment, and neurological factors behind migraine. Moreover, it can happen anywhere but is generally triggered by things like being in a stressful situation, hormonal changes, eating certain types of food, and neurological factors. Migraine can significantly hamper the smooth functioning of your life, causing disturbances in work, school, and social activities. Therefore, learning what a good home remedy for migraine is important.

Now that we know what is migraine headache now, let's look into some home remedies:

1.    Lifestyle Modifications
Making significant changes to your lifestyle is great for migraine headache relief and will help reduce the frequency of your headaches. These changes include stress management through techniques like meditation and deep breathing, yoga, regular exercise, and an adequate amount of sleep.

2.    Diet Changes
Changing your diet to avoid certain foods and beverages known to trigger attacks works great for migraine treatment at home. These triggers include alcohol, caffeine, and MSG-containing foods. Keeping track of your food helps you identify your triggers, allowing you to avoid those.

3.    Herbs and Supplements
Certain herbs and supplements offer migraine relief. Butterbur and feverfew are the most commonly used herbs to reduce migraine pain. Sometimes, a magnesium deficiency may trigger migraine, and taking supplementary magnesium may reduce the frequency of episodes for those people. Taking the correct supplements is the best home remedy for migraine. However, it is important to consult an expert before taking any supplements. 

4.    Acupressure 
Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific body parts to reduce pain and provide instant migraine relief. Professionals can administer acupressure, or people can try it at home. However, it's important to follow accurate instructions for better results.

5.    Essential Oils
Essential oils may help with migraine relief by reducing stress, anxiety, and headaches. Different essential oils, such as lavender, chamomile, basil, and peppermint, help relieve symptoms. These oils can be inhaled via a diffuser or used topically by massage after dilution with a carrier oil.

Migraine treatment at home can be achieved by following the above remedies, but it is essential to approach the therapy holistically. It’s also vital to discuss with your doctor and devise a plan for proper treatment and pain management. It's very important to note that what causes migraine for some individuals may not be the same for others. Therefore, finding your specific triggers and treatment according to them is necessary. It is crucial to take proper medication for your migraine treatments while incorporating home remedies into your migraine management plan.

Another factor to be considered when suffering from migraine is having a good health insurance plan, as you don’t want the financial aspect to increase your stress. Selecting a plan that will help you manage your finances and provide other coverage, like going to a physical therapist or counsellor to alleviate pain. Future Generali is one of the best health insurance in India, and it provides migraine management coverage plans. 

Migraine can be difficult to manage, but with the right combination of home remedies, lifestyle changes, and medications, relief is possible. Opting for an alternative approach to migraine treatment at home will reduce the frequency and severity of your attacks. Always listen to your body prior, prioritise self-care, and seek medical help when needed. Choosing the best health insurance in India to manage your finances while suffering from migraine is equally important. 

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