The Company shall not be liable to make any payment directly or indirectly arising out of the following events:
A. Critical Illness
Pre-Existing Illness/ Disease. Medical Expenses incurred for the listed Critical Illnesses diagnosed within 90 days of the commencement of the Policy. Any external congenital Illness or condition or birth defects. Pregnancy, child birth. Any Critical Illness arising out of use, abuse or consequence or influence of any substance (substances that are abuse like illegal drugs, opioids, marijuana etc.), intoxicant, drug, alcohol or hallucinogen. Any sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS etc. Any Critical Illness caused by ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel (explosive or hazardous form) or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, nuclear, chemical or biological attack.
B. Personal Accident
Pre-Existing Illness/ Disease. Accidental death or permanent disability due to mental disorders or disturbances of consciousness, strokes, fits or convulsions which affect the entire body and pathological disturbances caused by the mental reaction to the same. Suicide or attempted Suicide. Intentional self-inflicted injury. Working in underground mines, tunnelling or explosives, or involving electrical installation with high tension supply, or as jockeys or circus personnel, or engaged in Hazardous Activities.
C. Loss of Job
In the event of termination, dismissal, temporary suspension or retrenchment from employment of the Insured person being attributed to dishonesty or fraud or poor performance The Company shall not be liable to make any payment under this Policy in connection with or in respect of:
Self-employed persons; Any claim relating to unemployment from a job which is casual, temporary, seasonal or contractual in nature or any claim relating to an employee not on the direct rolls of the employer; Any voluntary unemployment; Unemployment at the time of inception of the Policy Period or arising within the first 90 days of inception of the Policy Period.
Any unemployment from a job under which no salary or any remuneration is provided to the Insured person. Any suspension from employment on account of any pending enquiry being conducted by the employer/ Public Authority. Any unemployment due to resignation, retirement whether voluntary or otherwise. Any unemployment due to non-confirmation of employment after or during such period under which the Insured was under probation.