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Essential Parameters to Compare Car Insurance Online

AJ 22.3.2024 5 mins

To get the perfect insurance for your vehicle, comparing car insurance online beforehand is paramount. However, navigating the world of quotes and coverage options can feel overwhelming. To make the process quicker, simpler, and more convenient, this article will explore some key parameters to consider when choosing the right car insurance policy for your vehicle.


These days, you can easily compare and choose between third-party or comprehensive car insurance. Third-party insurance is highlighted as a legal necessity in India, providing coverage for others involved in accidents. On the other hand, comprehensive insurance offers a broader range of protection, including theft coverage and repairs for your own vehicle. You can also find the best add-on options, like roadside assistance, protection cover, engine protection cover, and much more. By comparing these policies, individuals can ensure they meet legal requirements while obtaining adequate coverage for their needs.


Motor insurance comparison by policy types


Third-party car insurance

·      Peace of mind for others: It pays for repairs to their vehicle and medical bills for those injured, saving them from a hefty financial burden. 

·      Legally required: Just like wearing a seatbelt, having third-party car insurance is a legal necessity in India under the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. So, you're following the law and staying protected!

·      Focuses on the essentials: This policy keeps things simple by covering only what the law requires. It doesn't cover repairs for your car if it gets damaged in an accident.


Comprehensive car insurance 

·      Theft protection: Got nerves of steel when it comes to parking? Comprehensive insurance offers peace of mind by covering your car in case it gets stolen.

·      Acts of nature and misfortune: Worried about fire, floods, or even mischievous monkeys (hey, it happens!) damaging your car? Comprehensive insurance has you covered for those situations, too. Your life is far more precious than your vehicle. Comprehensive health insurance also ensures you do not face extra financial burdens. 

·      All-around protection: It covers you like third-party insurance does – if you cause damage to someone else's car or injure someone in an accident, it's got your back (financially).

·      Your car's hero: But wait, there's more! Unlike third-party insurance, comprehensive insurance also covers repairs to your car if it gets damaged in an accident.


Parameters for comparing car insurance effectively

Now, let's look at the major factors that come into play when choosing the best car insurance company.


Coverage type

As we discussed earlier, there are different types of coverages, namely: 

·      Third-party insurance

·      Comprehensive insurance

Depending on your needs, select the coverage type carefully, as it is the major protection for your vehicle. You can go one step further to protect your car by paying a premium for these additional features.


Zero depreciation cover

In the case of car accidents, comprehensive insurance only covers the depreciated cost of the car. A complete vehicle insurance comparison can help you receive full coverage regardless of depreciation.


Return to invoice cover

This add-on feature ensures you receive full compensation (as indicated) if your car is stolen or damaged beyond repair.


Engine protection cover

Any long-lasting damage to your engine and gearbox due to leakage of engine oil or water regression is covered by this add-on. 


Roadside assistance cover

If you are stranded on an empty road with no cash, this add-on will be your friend! It covers all vehicle breakdowns.


Tyre protect cover

Normally, tyre damages are not covered by comprehensive insurance. This add-on will cover any tyre damages, including bursts, bulges and cuts.


Key protection

It covers all costs of replacing and repairing keys and key slots.


Claim settlement ratio (CSR)

CSR refers to the ratio between the number of claims settled and the number of claims received. Pick an insurance provider with a high CSR for a fast and convenient claim process.


Customer reviews

Talk to your friends and colleagues to gather information about the latest car insurance online. Additionally, find information about the after-sales services provided by the insurance company. 


Pros of motor insurance comparison

1.    You can pick a policy with the best coverage benefits.

2.    You can find a policy with the lowest premium rates and save on costs.

3.    Claim settlements become super quick and hassle-free. 

4.    You can pick an insurance company that offers the most attractive discounts and add-ons!


A step-by-step guide to comparing car insurance online 

1.    Search: Unleash the Google beast and explore options.

2.    Compare: Check coverage, features, premiums, and add-ons of various providers.

3.    Analyse: Comparing car insurance quotes using online tools or a spreadsheet is better before choosing the right insurance.

4.    Choose: Pick a policy that fits your needs and budget.


You can choose between third-party or comprehensive insurance based on your needs to see which one suits you best. On top of that, properly comparing various car insurances will help you find multiple add-on options to take the best possible care of your vehicle.

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